VTX Service Terms & Conditions
Product Terms, Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy and Service Level Agreements
These terms and conditions, in addition to providing information about VTX's products, serve as the foundation for certain agreements between VTX and its customers.
An agreement, in its entirety, consists of the terms and conditions in a Service Order Agreement ("SOA"), Master Service Agreement ("MSA"), applicable Supplemental Product Terms and Conditions; applicable General Terms and Conditions, VTX's Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP"), if applicable, and any applicable tariffs.
In the event of inconsistencies between terms and conditions contained in components of an agreement (but only to the extent of the inconsistencies), including any incorporated attachments, appendices, exhibits or other documents, the order of precedence, from the most to the least controlling, will be: (a) any applicable filed and effective tariff; (b) applicable Supplemental Product Terms and Conditions, including Service Level Agreements ("SLAs"); (c) applicable General Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") provisions; and (d) the terms of the SOA, or MSA, including any cancelled tariff terms and conditions or any applicable product promotions. This order of precedence notwithstanding, terms and conditions, including pricing, contained in an SOA, or MSA (or in any attachment or exhibit made a part thereof) will be controlling, if specific agreement language permits.
By signing a SOA or MSA, a Customer will be bound by the terms thereof, including all applicable incorporated terms and conditions.
Changes of these website terms and conditions will become effective and binding on customers no earlier than fifteen (15) calendar days from the date they are posted on this website. Any material changes, including additions, made to existing text will be shown in BOLDFACE font, except that text removal will be shown by the use of "brackets" ("[ . . . ]"). These changes will remain as shown until after their effective date, when any highlighted text is returned to regular font.
General Terms and Conditions PDF
Service Level Agreements General Terms PDF
Online Payment and AutoPay Authorizations Terms and Conditions PDF
Supplemental Product Terms and Conditions
These Supplemental Product Terms and Conditions, including Service Level Agreements (SLA's), if applicable, supplement the General Terms and Conditions applicable to the various listed products offered within the operating territory of VTX Telecom, Inc., and its affiliates.
Product Terms & Conditions
Service Level Agreement
International Ethernet Private LAN Services (IEPLS)